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1. What does THRIVING mean to you? *
2. What is the one DOMINO that propels you towards Thriving? *
3. What moves you away from Thriving? *
4. If you could sit down with your self as a child, what would you say?

5. Who was a key person that helped propeled you and why?

6. What is your zone of genius?

7. Was there a set back, pain or a failure that was a blessing in disuise as you look at it now?

8. How do you start your day?

9. In the last 12 months, what is one notable win?

10. In the last 12 months what was a notable challenge you had to over come?

11. What is a question we should ask ourselves?

12. Who would you nominate to be showcased at THRIVEMASTERS?
Are you open to being interviewed for the THRIVEMASTERS show (30 min Zoom about your journey and impact)?
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